
Qu-Chi Hayfever Relief Band - Pink

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The Qu-Chi ('Ku-Chi') point has been for thousands of years by acupuncturists and practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It lies on the Large Intestine meridian which runs between the forefinger and the tip of the nose. It is used to pull energy away from the face to treat sinus problems eye complaints allergies and skin problems. The Qu-Chi point has has been used to treat the nasal and eye symptoms of rhinitis as well as pain in the shoulders and elbows. Our research suggests that the Qu-Chi Band can be very effective in relieving the symptoms of hay fever.The increasing unpredictability of our weather systems and the resulting shift of the seasons from what we regard as their traditional timings means that the first breath of spring can arrive unexpectedly early. And for those of us who suffer with hay fever this often catches us unprepared as we reach for our tablets, nasal sprays and creams, only to find the cupboard bare.This simple elasticated band, with its integral pressure button, can be worn as frequently and for as long as you need it, day or night. It can be used all year round too, for non-hay fever related allergic rhinitis, such as dust-mite and pet allergies. The Qu-Chi band operates by stimulating an acupressure point in the crook of the elbow, which helps to free the pathways to the nose and throat and quickly reduces breathing problems and streaming eyes and nose. Because it is a totally drug free natural product there is none of the drowsiness or other side effects associated with many conventional treatments. However, can also be used safely in conjunction with other treatments without any adverse effect.Designed and developed in the UK by a fully qualified acupuncture and acupressure practitioner, the Qu-Chi acupressure band is registered with the Medicines & Health Regulatory Agency (MRHA) as a Class 1 medical product.